Music plays an important role in Christain worship and service. Christian music expresses one's presonal and communal belief in Jesus Christ and His teachings. It is a way for belivers to express their praise, love and devotion to God. Through the Music Ministry, music ministers strive to enable the song of the assembly to encourage full, active and conscious participation.
Mass Schedules: Saturday 4:30 p.m., Sunday 7:00 a.m.and 10:00 a.m. Adult Choirs:
Gospel Choir Rehersal: Wednesdays @ 7:00 p.m.
Traditional Choir - Claudette Session, Sundays @ 7:00 a.m. Mass
- Velina Johnson, Saturdays @ 4:30 p.m. Mass
Gospel Choir: Carl Stewart, Sundays @ 10:00 a.m. Mass
Kingdom Kids Youth Choir:
Rehersal: Wednesdays @ 6pm.
Youth Mass: 3rd Sunday of each month.
Director: Maureen Cummings, Assistant: Mary Cormier.
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For additonal information contact the Music Director
Carl Stewart @ 409-658-2678