The Sacrament of Marriage (or Holy Matrimony) is the intimate union and equal partnership of a man and a woman. It comes to us from the hand of God, who created male and female in his image, so that they might become one body and might be fertile and multiply (Genesis 1-2).
Holy Matrimony is a grace-filled encounter with God, and a way to holiness. As such, preparing for marriage is about more than planning the wedding.
For Better and Forever
For Better & Forever Marriage Ministry helps engaged couples prepare for Sacramental Marriage. Couples learn and practice skills for establishing and sustaining life long marriages with a trained sponsor couple who will also keep in touch after they marry.
The program covers all of the important topics/issues:
Family of Origin
Money Matters and Career Planning
Sacramental Marriage
Marital Communication
Mixed Religion Marriages
Couples who are Living Together
Blended Families
Rituals of Engagement
Prayer, Marital Spirituality
Planning the Wedding and more.
Eight sessions are scheduled at agreed upon times for participants and sponsors.
Adrienne and Lloyd have experienced blissful marriage for 40 years.
For additional information contact the ministry leaders
Adrienne & Lloyd Hebert (409) 351-1331 or (409) 351-1332